Another Melanoma WARRIOR got his wings this evening at 5:00.
December 27, 1966 - June 15, 2009
May you rest quietly and peacefully in your new home.
You will always be our hero.
I will always love you, my dear husband.
3 days ago
May you be blessed from above today and always. You are an amazing woman wiith the respect and love of many around you! Peace to you.
deep, deep peace to you
I am so sorry that Bill lost his battle, I know that he fought very hard. You, Tyler and your family are in my prayers and thoughts.
Our hearts ache as tears flow freely. Please know of our love and support for you, Tyler, and the Bartak family.
It has been a while since we have seen each other, but those bonds never go away. My heart aches for you Jackie. I am thinking of you and know that the road ahead will have many twists and turns. For what it is worth, I am truly, truly sorry my friend.
Dear Jackie, You are all in my prayers. There are so many of us out here mourning this loss. I hope you will always feel our support. Bill will be greatly missed. Love to all of you, Lori Buley
I am so so sorry. My heart goes out to you and family....
Oh, Jackie...The tears just flow from my eyes. I send you and Tyler a big, strong hug and a heart full of love. It is God's will that Bill no longer suffer. He is now whole, once again, and pain free. You have been with Bill every step of his journey. You have cared for him, suffered with him, cried with him, and laughed with him. You have been his strength. Let him be yours, now, from above. I love you, friend!! Nancy, Ed and Dana
My heart breaks for you and your families. Sending love and prayers to you, Jackie.
Mary Nyeholt
As always, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Memories of Vicki remind me that they both had the Courage to fight, Hope for the future, Faith in God and Love of others.
May Bill rest in peace now.
Jackie- You are an amazing strong woman. Billy was a wonderful person and his pain and suffering is now over. Take care of yourself and your special little boy.
I am a complete stranger from Nebraska. I have been following this blog for several months (I linked through Jeff's Daily Update) though I have never commented. I hope it is not inappropriate to do so at this time. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your blog has been heartfelt and inspiring. I will keep checking back to hear how you and Tyler are doing if you continue to update. May peace be with you, Bill, and all your friends and family.
Dear Jackie & Tyler -
Please know that much love is being sent your way - and prayers for ease of the pain in your hearts. We all loved Bill so much - but we can rejoice that he is no longer suffering and that he is with Lord watching over us all.
You have been an amazingly kind to share with us Bill's fight - thank you so much for that.
May God Bless & Keep You Always -
greg and lisa rodriguez rosile
Bill was an inspiration to us all. I am glad he is finally at peace. Prayers and love to you all.
We have no words, just tears for those left behind. Jackie...Mike and I are so very sorry. We love you both so much. Our hearts are truly broken.
Billy however is rejoicing in perfection. In Gods perfect place.
With love and support. Jackie -- you have been phenomenal through all of this. Allow others to support and lift you up. May God shower his love upon you and Tyler.
Sherri Merino
Our hearts are there with you and Tyler. We will miss Bill very, very much.
Our love to you,
Shannon, Matt, Sloane and Kendall
Bill was about 10yrs old when I met him and we were buddies from the start. I will miss knowing he is here with us,but I rejoice that he is free and will be watching over us. Our family wishes peace to you all.
Dorothy Morgan
I'm so sorry, Jackie. May God rest him in peace. I know I'll never forget how strong and compassionate you were. sending you lots of love...
God Speed Bill. Peace and blessings to you,Jackie and family.
Our deepest condolances and prayers for you all.
I remember not that long ago...I came to your home for Bill's "above the ground funeral" never having met you guys...and I walked in, introduced myself to Bill and he hugged me and said "I'm so glad you came..." And the whole party, he'd walk past me saying "I'm so glad you came..." over and over again!
Bill's biggest heartbreak was leaving his wife and son. Let's all rally together to be there for Jackie and Tyler.
Bill, I know of someone in heaven you can watch football and drink beers with...his name is Brian.
God Bless Your Soul
Anna Hogan
Dear Mrs. Bartak,
I was watching the video my mom took on Mr. Bartak's party. I am glad that I got a chance to meet him. He was a very nice person. I sometimes let go of a balloon so my grampa can play with it in heaven. I will do that also for Mr. Bartak as well. May god bless you.
With love,
I am so sorry that you journey has turned this way. May you be blessed now and always, with your angel by your side.
Jenni, melanoma widow
You have kept up this blog so gracefully these last 10 months. We know Bill is now at peace at home with our savior. We will truly miss Bill, his sense of humor and caring nature. May you feel God's love and comfort as you enter this next journey. Our blessings and love to you and Tyler. Brett & Kathy Reed and family.
Bill, Thank-you for being you...for teaching me all that you did...for touching my heart and helping me be who I am. Go dance with the angels my friend.
Until we meet again,
Jackie...I wish I had some magical words to heal your heart. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for you and Tyler to find your inner strength to get through this. Love ITB
Bill's journey has an end AND a new beginning! Blessed be our God who grants us eternal life! Please know you are in my prayers....Love, Val
May the heavens embrace you like the great son, brother, husband and father you are.
Jackie, Joe, Ann, Sharon, David, Kyrie, Kylee, and Kelsey,
You have a great, strong family, and know that Bill is in a better place where he can always watch over you all. He will always be in your hearts. The entire Bartak family is a huge part of my life, and I consider them my family as well. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you now, and always.
Jeffrey Hess
I know it's been years since we've been in touch, but I want you to know that I always considered you a person of such great strength. I know that strength and faith will carry your broken heart thru this incredibly difficult time. You and your family will always be in my prayers. Litb, Adeana
You are amazing Jackie! Your love and dedication has been unwavering. We will all miss Bill dearly, but know that he is now being taken care of by a heavenly Father who loves him with an everlasting love. It is hard for me to fathom that he will never again walk through my front door, but I look forward to the day that I meet him again in heaven.
We love you and are here for you and Tyler.
God Bless,
Leslie, Mark, Jordan, Hayden & Luke
My prayers are with you. May you have peace of mind knowing that heaven has another angel joining them.
Kim Dunbar-Jeffrey
You have been through so much. May the love and peace of God be with you at this time. My heart breaks for you, your families, and Tyler. God bless you. Janet
Just know that you are surrounded in love and you always will be. We are your friends for will never be alone. Love, Jodi and Tracy
My tears won't stop, but I am so happy that Bill doesn't have to be sick anymore and that he was granted his angel wings tonight. No more pain, no more suffering, no more worrying. May God bless you and Tyler as you and your whole family in this difficult time. Just remember that Bill has not left you... his spirit will live on forever in both your heart and Tyler's. He will always be up in heaven looking over you. I hope you feel some peace tonight and know that Bill is in good hands. I love you, Jackie. May God grant your peace in the days to come. Tamie
Our love and prayers to you and Tyler and the whole Bartak family....we are truly sorry for your loss. The Lord is good and now Bill is with peace.
Lori and Andy
I am so sorry for your loss.
I just don't have the right words...know that you continue to be in my prayers. I pray that you feel God's peace tonight and in the days to come.
Nyra and I have been truely blessed to call you and Bill our neighbors and friends. We will cherish each and every memory we have of our time with Bill and consider ourselves lucky that he came into our lives, if even for such a brief time. He is now with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and reaping the reward of a life well lived. A life free from the pain of his disease. We pray for you and Tyler that God will comfort you and all of your family in this time. Know that we will be here when you need us.
God Bless,
Bryan and Nyra
Jackie, I heard about all that you and your family has been going through this past year. You are an amazing woman with a lot of inner strength. I know that you and your son will have a wonderful life filled with beautiful memories of Bill. Take care of yourself.
The Woznichaks, Sylvia, Gerry, Corey, Holly and Nicholas....former Golden kids
My prayers and love and support are with you. May Bill rest in peace.
We are devastated to hear about Bill's passing. We are thinking about you, and we hope you find peace easily. Please feel free to call upon us if you are ever in need. As a colleague, it was always a pleasure working with you. It is even better to know you as a friend. Our prayers go out to you and Tyler as you continue on from this moment.
The Louie's
Sending you lots of love and prayers.
my heart breaks for you and your family. you will continue to be in my prayers.
God Bless you and your family Jackie. I pray for peace.
Bless your heart Jackie. My heart aches for your loss, I can't even begin to imagine the pain you are experiencing.
Jackie, you are ONE amazing woman, truly your mama's daughter. As a young girl, your mama, my best friend, showed me the meaning of "selflessness" in her own special way, and it has stayed with me all these years. I believe, your mama (Cathy) helped prepare you for this day.
I look forward to meeting you and Tyler in August.
Love and peace to all of ya'all. Jaynie in South Carolina
So very sad. Jackie, please accept our very sincere condolences for you and Tyler's loss.
Sadly, God really does play hardball when it comes to life.
Always remember that God will give the three of you another chance to meet up together in a place far more enjoyable than the one we share here.
Bill has just gone ahead of the two of you so he can prepare that special meal that you all can enjoy together as a family once again! :-)
Dolores and Claude and Bob
As the tears flow and hearts break at the loss of Bill, may we all remember how lucky we are to have known him.
A new angel was given his wings and will stand guard over Jackie & Tyler. Bill lives on through your love and memories.
God grant you peace and strength to get through this most difficult time.
Chris Bergman
(Amat 85)
You are an amazingly strong woman and Tyler is so blessed with you as his mother. Bill gave you so many precious gifts ... I could see it when you talked about him. I am thinking and praying about you, Tyler and your family.
love & itb,
Our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family. May God watch over you always and forever.
You remain in our thoughts,
Tom and Cara Johnson
I felt I needed to tell you how sad I am for your loss. I worked with Bill at Claim Jumper in Northridge, many years ago, and he was just a truly wonderful person. I met you when Tyler was just a baby and remarked at how beautiful your family is. Your son is so handsome and you are lucky to have him with you and through him, Bill is there with you every day. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I just read a poem and want to share it with you:
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on his tombstone from the end.
He noted that first came the date of his birth and spoke of the following date with tears.
But he said what mattered most of all was THE DASH between those years.
For THE DASH represents all the time that he spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved him know what the little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own: the cars...the house...the cash.
What matters is how we live and love and how we spend OUR DASH.
Your dear husband spent his DASH
with such love, humor, and courage. He left you a beautiful little boy, who will now be your comfort and your joy.
We pray for your peace in this difficult time.
Thinking of you and praying that you feel God's comfort through the people who are around you. Our prayers are for your peace and strength. Bill will surely be missed by many...we'll remember his quick wit and great laugh. How wonderful that Bill will live on through Tyler..what a sweet, sweet blessing.
In God's Love,
Laura (Leslie's cousin)
Jackie and Tyler:
One of our Bartak family prayers has been answered... Thank you, Lord for taking Bill home to Paradise where there is no pain, suffering or sorrow, only the joy of the Lord.
You will both continue to be in our prayers for peace that passes all understanding as well as wisdom, courage and strength for the journey that lies ahead of you.
Our deepest love,
Ray and Julie Sanders
I am so sorry for your tragic loss. I am praying for you, your son and your family. May God grant you peace in knowing your angel of love is with you forever.
Terry Mulcahy
I'm so very sorry, Jackie. Please know my thoughts are with you and Tyler.
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