"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."
I pray that this statement is true...
I pray for strength...
I pray for peace...
I pray for comfort...
I pray for solace...
I pray for us...
We are still by Bill's side, waiting for him to be lifted up to heaven.
Slow Start
1 week ago
We are praying for you all
God Bless
greg and lisa rodriguez rosile '85
Praying for Bill and his loved ones.
We're praying with you. Love to you all. Kris, Amy, Randy & mary
The only thing more powerful than faith prayer, is God's will, and it's easier to pray than to accept His will. To submit to His will, means we'll accept whatever we're required to endure. Not always easy. It reminds me of a portion of an email that I received from my dear friend, Joe: It's OK to get angry with God - He can take it. (I know you'll take this in the proper context.) Much love to you all!!
Psalm 115:15 "May you be blessed by God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth."
Praying for you! Jeanie
Gene and Susie's post is so true. Our family is praying for Bill to be released into His care and that we all may accept God's will. We pray on our own time, God responds when He is ready. You, Tyler and your families are always in our hearts. Love to you, Nancy, Ed and Dana
Praying right with you. May peace be with you.
Tamie & Doug
"The people God has ransomed
will come back on this road.
They'll sing as they make their way home to Zion,unfading halos of joy encircling their heads. Welcomed home with gifts of joy and gladness as all sorrows and sighs scurry into the night." Isaiah 35
I always remember Billy singing.
"Keep singing Billy...keep singing..."
I too have sat with my husband dying of melanoma. What a blessing to love him to Heaven, and how blessed is he to be surrounded by you all. Many prayers for peace.
Our constant prayers and love are with you all.
Mike and Kelly
There are people praying for you and your family constantly. May you be given strength through the prayers of others and peace in knowing we are here for you.
We pray that Bill has the peace and comfort he deserves. We pray for your strength. Thinking of you and family... Calle and Brent
Dear Jackie-
There will be times when you will feel all alone in your grief, despite the number of people around you. It is at those times that you will have to try hardest to remember that those around you are the grace of God protecting you.
I have watched 3 people close to me die. Every experience was different. All that you describe is closest to what we went through with my father, who just died last month. He hallucinated for a few months, talked constantly about wanting to get out of his bed and leave(except he couldn't bolt- he was too weak to walk). He barely ate for many weeks. You wouldn't think anyone could hold on for that long with so little food or drink, and in such a delusional state. But he did.
I can't tell you how many times I prayed for my loved ones to not have to suffer any more- but they go when they are ready to go, and when God is ready to take them. All we can do is be there, just as you are doing.
My prayers continue to be with you.
i am praying with you. ((HUGS))
You are all in my thoughts and prayers as you walk through this transformation for Bill. God give you strength and peace. Cousin Jim
Praying for you all...for peace and comfort and strength.
We are covering you all in prayer and love. May the Lord send you His Holy Spirit to fill you with comfort, peace and strength to get through this time.
Dave and Lisa Strnad ('85)
we are praying with you guys. hil and chad
We are praying with you as well. Love, Christina
I'm praying constantly for you and your family. Be strong and comforted by God's love. You're an extraordinary person and an inspiration to so many people!!
We are praying with you and for you! We love you all,
Lenny and Julie
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