Saturday, March 28, 2009

Video Nightmare!

I am so sorry for all the video confusion. It's so hard to test because it always works on my computer. Go figure... I tried to convert the video file to a program that is used on the blog, but couldn't manage that, so I uploaded to YouTube after creating an account. Well, I marked "private" on my account and that meant people couldn't view my videos... it should work now, if it doesn't work on here, I do have it on my Facebook page. Whew, that was a lot of work!


NL said...

HI Jackie,

It was great to see both videos!! Your persistence paid off! You've got to save these then show them again to him someday when's he older... for instance, senior prom night is a good time! :) Hope you're having a good weekend. Press those flowers between some wax paper and save them with the video!

Anonymous said...

oh my lord.......too delicious!!!!!!!! i cant handle it.... ethan sat and watched it with me a few times..... i cant get enough of him!!!! love him love him love him:) i hope bill felt good enough to go with you to practice.xoxoxo audrey

Tamie said...

My face hurts from smiling and laughing! I'm sure Bill and Todd got a kick out of his "game." It was so cute how he kind of ran and then turned away from the ball. Keep these memories close to your heart. They are truly precious!
Love, Tamie