The appointment was cancelled - I can't even believe I am explaining this for the umpteenth time. Needless to say, we are deeply disappointed. City of Hope called at 4:00 to say they hadn't received the referral from our insurance company. After numerous (quite angry) phone calls, we may still get to go tomorrow. If the referral is faxed tonight or early in the morning, we can keep the appointment. It is up to Bill's general practitioner to get the referral in, and he says his end is complete and it is in. To be honest, I have no doubts Dr. Staz did everything in his power to get the paperwork done. After dealing with the City of Hope, I have a feeling something was mixed up on their end. I can't help but wonder, will anything go as planned?
I had a very humbling experience today and tears well up in my eyes as I begin to type this. After I got to work this morning my team came in with a gift basket that they put together with donations from the staff at my school. It was full of gift cards to restaurants, fast food places, and gas cards. I don't mean a few cards, I mean way, way over a dozen that total hundreds and hundreds of dollars (and even a gift for Tyler)! I kick myself that I didn't take a picture of the gorgeously wrapped basket. I cried when they gave it to me, after they left my room and throughout the day when I looked at it. Bill was obviously stunned and also humbled by the amazing generosity. The basket was a huge morale boost for both of us, not to mention a financial relief as well. When my mom called this evening I told her about the appointment being cancelled, and then shared my basket story and couldn't get the words out because I started sobbing (then she followed suit). Bill wanted to know if I was crying over the basket or the appointment... it is absolutely heart wrenching to have the appointment cancelled, but when other people care so deeply and do selfless acts time and time again, I just don't know how to express my deepest gratitude. Especially when "thank you" just doesn't seem sufficient for the support I have at work. I thank God everyday for the wonderful people at my school; words cannot describe how blessed I am.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Dear Jackie & Bill, Dominic & I were so sorry to hear about the delay at City of Hope. We know your Doctor through his family, I am sure he did all he could on his end. Our prayers tonight will be for a quick fax and the Thursday
appointment. Hang in there!!
Love the Niccoli's
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bartak,
I pray you dont find fault in my words. I felt moved to respond by the way Mrs. Bartak writes. It appears that this blog is a tool for you and your loved ones to stay connected as well as an avenue for your voice when you may be feeling silenced. I read a passage from my daily faith meditatation that I would like to share. ~~God does not work with strategic plans. He makes promises and leads his chosen people on wideing, inscrutable paths. faith in God's promises-and in the God who promises- makes the difference between seeing the situations of our life as random, hostile events or the the mysterious expreesion of divine providence.~~ May you find that the journey keep you and your loved ones in his love.
Mrs. Nunez-Tyler's teacher
Oh my... I am crying now... It is just amazing to experience such generosity and support.
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