Not Bill's appointment this time, mine. I went for a yearly physical/blood work yesterday since I was a few months overdue. I am now a hypochondriac (self diagnosed) with all of the things going on in our lives. Every little ache or bruise or freckle convinces me that I have cancer. My doctor is doing blood work to check my cholesterol and the run of the mill tests... I have her checking a million other things because of my Type A/Obsessive Compulsive disorder (also self diagnosed). Luckily, she just smiled, nodded, and agreed to complete the tests.
Funny story - Tyler came home from school yesterday with some artwork he colored. The teacher had cut a photo of him so it was just a headshot. His shoulders are cut-off, and you can see his neck, but you can't see his shirt. He described the picture as, "That is when I was at school and... (he studied the picture) I think I was naked." What are they doing at that school? Just kidding - it goes to show you that you can only believe about half of what they say really happens at school.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Hi Jackie and Bill,
So glad to hear things are looking up on your end. Your comment on Tyler is a crack-up. Just a word of advice, get a journal and write his funny comments (and date) down, otherwise you will forget, and it is so much fun to go back and read to the kids the funny things they have said. I'll never forget after taking Spencer and Sabrina to the beach we decided to walk all the way to the end of the pier and back. When Spencer saw the sand again he looked up and replied, "Did we just walk all the way across the ocean?" Ya gotta love it! Take care.
Susan, Kevin, Spencer, and Sabrina
This blog IS your journal!
You might want to periodically print it out so if it ever gets lost on the internet, you will have a hard copy for safe keeping.
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