Everyone refers to the terrible twos as being a trying time in a toddler's (and parent's) life. We thought we were off the hook when Tyler breezed through the twos without a hitch. I can almost count on one hand how many times he has had a colossal temper tantrum. Although today we evaded a huge tantrum, he definitely showed signs of the "threatening threes" as we are so fondly calling them. Today I heard a countless "No," "I don't want to..." "That's mine..." Well, you get the point. We are so very fortunate to have a child who really is happy all the time. He's not usually moody or even cranky very often. Holy cow, today was a different day! It seems like everything was a battle, and I am exhausted. It usually takes all of about 3 minutes to put him to bed and tonight was struggle just to get his pajamas on... Although we are pretty sure we are going to keep him, today I would have traded him for a nickle.
I know I will never get my answer but I can't help wondering about the root of Tyler's attitude today. I'd be crazy to think that he doesn't sense something going on here and feel the stress in our lives. Kids are far smarter than we give them credit for. Although I try to keep his life as "normal" as possible, the reality is that we are in a crisis. It's a toss up between being 3, feeling the stress, or maybe a little of both... probably the latter.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Hey Jac & Bill: Don't put Tyler on the auction block just yet...I can attest from experience that this age should be called the "Terrible Threes." We never had problems with two year olds; it was always the independent three year olds that made us question our parenting skills.
At three, they were intergated into the world of their peers, which gave them a whole different idea of what they could attempt to get away with.
Your lives aren't normal right now, no matter how hard you try to shield Tyler from the stress. His world is changing in so many ways also.
It's all about LOVE and there's never a short supply of that in your family. So don't despair...You both are doing an awesome job.
My love and prayers,
Aunt Judy
We all have our 'bad days'& there doesn't need to be a reason. My experience says , you will exaust yourself more trying to figure out 'why ?'
just give him extra kisses on those days!
I'm late at reading this, but I think the 2's are easy, and it's the 3's that are so hard. I have had many a day I would gladly have traded one or both my boys for a latte, or put them up on ebay... But these trying days will pass.
My Favorite saying is... "3 is the new 2"
Take Care you guys!
Sydni- DOOPS
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