Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Only 2 More Days!

Bill only has 2 more days of work before going out on disability. I pray they pass quickly so he can have restful days and take it easy. This seems like the longest week waiting until he is finally done. Everyday I try to talk him into leaving early, and everyday he tells me NO. I figured it can't hurt to try! His work ethic is way too strong for me to crack... (one of the things I love about him.)

We are headed to the Hyatt in Newport Beach this Sunday-Monday! Ron had a free night that he arranged for us to use. (It even comes with babysitting.) Tyler will stay with my mom and Ron for the night, which should be interesting in itself. He hasn't stayed anywhere without me since he was a baby. I wonder when the last time was that they slept with a 3-year-old in the bed? Good times! (We are NOT "family bed" people.) I have a feeling my mom will end up taking him back to our house so he can sleep in his own bed, but shshsh, don't tell her I said that. They will for sure need a vacation after!!


Gene and Susie said...

Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Your Mom will have a blast having the baby (do you still call them that at 3?) and will be anxious to have him again.

Anonymous said...

You are so right,Jackie! Ron really is a good man. First the wedding ring hunt and now a get-away for you and Bill. What a blessing !! Enjoy! Ann

Mike and Kelly G said...

Is Ron accepting Adoptions? I come with a 'big' kid myself though.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to have a week-end getaway...have a relaxing and ocean filled week-end. XO

David said...

you two are lucky to have Ron, among us in the family. He is a nice man! Hope you guys have a great weekend! Say hi to Tyler for me.