Bill has sprung a leak! Although the new drain is going to be great, we are having some difficulty keeping him dry. I have to say, though, I have quickly learned how to drain and dress the wound... even though I can be a little squeamish, it really hasn't been too bad. He has had a few instances where it leaks slowly, and he doesn't notice right away, so he ends up soaked. I think we have figured it out now, and have it under control. There is a tiny hole in his stomach right below the actually tube coming out and that seems to be a geyser. We have drained two liters each day since he got the drain. I think we could have drained even more, but we are trying to ration the medical "equipment" used since we won't get another shipment of it until Monday. There are two packages needed each time - a draining one, and a dressing one. I will probably have to try to find a medical equipment store tomorrow to get us through until Monday. We only have one drain bag left. Monday is the big appointment at the City of Hope. We will get results of the CT scans and the brain scan. I am trying to stay busy this weekend to keep my mind occupied.
We went to T-Ball on Friday and Tyler loved it! He did well participating and listening to the coaches... that is, until the very end. He really had fun at the beginning! Todd jumped on as first-base coach. It was comical to see the kids try to run the bases. The coaches did such a great job going step by step - they are really good with the kids.

This is how practice ended. The funny part was seeing a few other kids actually get down and join him. He became the anti-leader... the teacher in me was mortified... And, yes, he did manage to pick me a few flowers. 

I made a deal with him at the end of practice that if he finished the last few minutes getting back with the team, then he could play on the playground at the park. Long story short... he chose not to, and there was a tantrum. A MAJOR one. My brother went with us and got to experience a (thankfully) rare occurrence. There was kicking, pushing, and screaming involved. (Although I was unable to take pictures of that part. To say I had my hands full is an understatement.)