Mental health (or lack of) plays a dominant role in a cancer patient's life. The mental fight is half the battle - it is amazing to see the strength of ties between the body and the mind. The past month has been challenging, to say the least. The ups and downs have been so widespread that I have forgotten how "middle ground" feels. The past week has been a huge improvement in our day-to-day lives. Bill has been taking his share of naps, but at least they have been naps and not an all day coma. He usually manages to leave the bedroom for half of the day, and we have even gone a few places lately. The choice he makes to force himself out of bed seems to be just that... a choice. Granted, it is not easy for him to get up and make it downstairs, but where there is a will, there is a way. At least I feel comforted that he CAN do it. It is left up to his mental state to determine if he wants to. Please don't misunderstand, I am not complaining or taking it personally, it is simply par for the course. Depression is a huge part of this ordeal... even the little magic anti-depressant pills can't fix everything for him... but they sure have done wonders for me! Tom Cruise can judge all he wants!
My brother and I are starting our own blog. We are not ready to open it to the public, but maybe sometime that day will come. Writing is something that comes easily for both of us, and we are combining our skills to possibly write a book. In other words, my parents raised one author, it just was spread between the two of us. The blog is about our (rather priviledged, yet hilarious) childhood... aren't they all? We are going to tell the same event from our younger years, just with two completely different perspectives. Of course mine is the accurate view and his will be so far fetched and skewed... :)
Slow Start
1 week ago
Jackie- I am so glad the last week was better! The blog with your brother sounds like a great idea! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!
Todd and Jackie,
Does your Mom know about this book you are writing? She and I get editing privileges! Jackie, you for sure should add the story about the frozen bagel.
I read your posting everyday, think of you all every day and send all good thoughts and prayers your way.
See you soon.
Aunt Sue
Please give Bill this message for me. Depression is not something that you can just will away, even though you want to, if the meds are not working, there could be some reasons for this. They take time to work,sometimes up to six weeks for full effect, maybe the dose is not strong enough, or maybe a different one would work better. If you think your fatigue is due to depression, don't give up trying to find the right formula to help. Depression is very understandable at this time, but I hate to hear of you suffering with it if it can be avoided. Hopefully you will let your doctor know that you are struggleing and he (or She)may have a plan "B".
Love You!
I'm so glad you're getting to see more of Bill lately.
I can't wait to read the new blog.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Glad to hear that he is getting up and around more, I think getting up and around is good for the soul. I am so happy to hear that you are considering writing, you really do have a way of relating to people and making them feel what you are feeling! Hope all is well and you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love, Lenny and Julie
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