Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hospital Trip #2

Bill is back in the hospital and he is resting comfortably. Thank goodness they ended up admitting him. He had blood work done yesterday and his regular doctor called last night (on his cell phone and we missed the call) to tell him to go to the ER because his white blood cell count was again too high. Not a huge surprise since he was in so much pain last night. They are flushing him with a different antibiotic to hopefully wipe out the infection. He'll miss the scans tomorrow and I'll need to reschedule his appointment at the City of Hope. Hopefully things won't be too delayed. I am headed to the hospital tomorrow morning to wrap my head around all of this. I promise to keep posting!!


Unknown said...

Thanks Jac. We'll keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully this will be a more peaceful night and tomorrow will be more comfortable for Bill.

Love, M

Annie said...

That trite saying, "one day at a time" or in many cases one moment at a time is sometimes all that can we handled. Bless you and bless your sweet husband, peace and strenght to you all.
From one who travels a similar road.