The year of "firsts" is not easy. We have already encountered a few and this weekend was no exception. I went to my first wedding. I have to be honest and say that I probably wasn't ready for a wedding, but this one was unique. I knew my first one would have to be someone special, because I anticipated an emotional roller coaster. Since it was my cousin and I (obviously) knew her before I ever met Bill; it seemed the event would be an easier adventure... given my circumstance.
Widowed or not, it is not uncommon for me to get teary while a bride walks down the aisle or during the vows, etc. I did really well and didn't cry more than my "normal" amount.
We got to the reception and all was well... THEN, Tyler and I sat down at our table and thankfully, we were the first people to find it. I happened to sit directly in front of the table number and the back of it had writing that caught my eye. This is what I read:
We have chosen a special way to thank you for celebrating our wedding day with us and also honor those who share this day with us in spirit. In doing so, we have made charitable donations to:
The Melanoma Research Foundation
The National Center for Learning Disabilities
Saint Mary's Catholic Central HS
and the
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Thank you for being a part of our lives.
To say I was touched by this sentiment is an understatement. I sat in my chair and cried silently until I knew I couldn't get away with it any longer. Knowing the background, these all hold special places to our respective families. The kind thought that went into choosing these warms my heart. Just thinking about it makes my eyes well up with tears. I am proud to say that I went to the perfect "first" wedding. Thank you, Hughes family, for making it so special.
(And yes, I stole the table number thing for posterity, and so I could write about it.)
(I would post a picture of the reception, but I am far too embarrassed to show what my child was doing during/after dinner. Rolling on the dance floor is not my idea of appropriate, although I still managed to snap of picture of it.)
5 days ago
Jackie -
I was so touched by your latest entry. Please don't stop writing - I would miss you (even though we've never met).
:)lisa rodriguez rosile '85
Am shedding tears again after reading your blog today. We were worried the donation card may be too much and are glad to hear that you it didn't overwhelm you and that we could make your first wedding a positive event. It meant the world to all the family, especially Kristi and Joe, to have you and Tyler there. IT was the best gift ever. Thank you!!
I like Lisa have never met you, but I certainly hope to one day. You touch my heart every day. When i read your blog I'm reminded what life is about - what's important and certainly what's not important. So please don't stop. Thank you thank you thank you.
Chris Bergman '85
What a wonderful, thoughtful, and generous act! It is, again, a testament to the kind and selfless family you have. My best to the newly married couple!
Please post the pictures of Tyler....I love seeing him doing the things three year olds do best!
I don't know how emotional wounds are healed except by baby steps, one foot in front of the other. Your first wedding was a good baby step with emotional rewards. I'm proud of you.
What a beautiful sentiment.
Just more proof that you are part of such a wonderful family.
We are always thinking of you!
I am so glad that your venture out to a wedding went well. Your post brought tears to my eyes.
I have been through my year of first and it was very hard at times. Now I am in the process of moving and I find it quite daunting to know that my dear Maurice won't be there to help me. Especially when I realise that the whole flat will need painting!!
Hi Jackie,
It was really nice to meet you and Tyler at Kristi's wedding! I what to thank you for reminding me to be grateful for my husband every minute. Since all the items on Kristi's registry were spoken for, we decided to make a donation to MRF as our gift. Your bravery and passion are going to help many who have to walk in your path. Cheers, Jenny
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