I started this blog to keep friends and family updated on the cancer front. I had no idea it would turn into my therapy and get the response it has received. It has been a blessing all around.
I have come to the realization that we (Tyler and I) are boring! I don't have a new post everyday or information I am eagerly waiting to share. We lack excitement to the utmost degree. That being said, I thrive on this part of our lives. It doesn't make for "good blogging", but it does make for a calm, normal existence that I so badly craved the past year. (Whatever "normal" means...)
At Bill's funeral I lost count of how many people asked if I would continue the blog. I am nowhere near ready to give it up, in fact, I would really like to print it, but I have come to realize that I am very wordy... therefore, it is insanely long. Every once and awhile I get an e-mail or a comment from someone saying they sat down and read the entire thing from start to finish. My first thought is... there is NO way that is possible in one sitting!
I found a website that prints blogs (with the comments), but after I signed up and put in the blog address, it told me that my order could not be processed. I took that as, "Are you kidding? This is the longest thing ever and you need to shut your trap once and awhile!" :) I am still working on it. I would love to seek a publisher, but so much needs to be done in-between posts to make it a comprehensive story. Bill has encouraged me to write a book since before we got married. If he only knew that the subject would end up being about his battle against the beast. Who knew??
Slow Start
1 week ago
I was planning on printing the blog for you. I was going to surprise you with it. But this is actually better. Let's get together on it and that way you can pick out the cover and pictures.
I have a site that will do it, and it looks really good. You can get it done in a hard cover and everything. The best part is that you can preview the whole thing page by page right on the site. I already have it saved, but you may want to write a final page for the purpose of the blog book. Then you can continue the blog, but for the hard copy, I would think you would want something of an end.
We'll talk later about it.
Have a great trip,
PS The book is at 230 pages as of now.
This blog has taken "boring" out of my life...The only problem is you need to blog two or three times a day so when I open it that many times, there will be moment by moment updates! Of course, you understand you'll have to give up your day job! :-)
Love you...
Aunt Judy
It's funny...I check your blog EVERY time I go to the computer...and when there is a new post, I am anxious to read! You may say "boring" but I am inspired by your words every time you write. A book is a fabulous idea!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend in SD. It will probably be much cooler there than here...enjoy!
You may think that you say too much in your blogs and that they then become "boring" and "long". That couldn't be further from the truth. You have such a talent for putting your thoughts into words...allowing us to know exactly what your feeling...as if we are in your shoes. Keep up the great work and continue to express whatever it is that may be on your mind...Your blogs could never be "too long".
Richard Trujillo
A 230 page book over 11 months is not too much at all.
Sounds like your public is asking for more, maybe Aunt Judy is right, time to quit your day job!
Touching, amazing, informative, beautiful, sweet, loving...not boring.
I don't look at it as boring at all. But after what you've been through, you can using some 'boring' in your lives!!! I can't say that I've enjoyed the reading (not the words but the emotions [lots of tears]), but it's brought about a reverence for life and it's fragility, and a reminder to always express your love.
I think that you deserve to have a little boring after the past year - so don't apologize to us for it - sit back and enjoy it.
Speaking selfishly . . . I pray that you do not stop blogging. I check it daily and am so happy when I see new posts. For me your blog is a daily reminder of how prescious life is and how regardless of what's happening we need to stop and LIVE it.
More importantly I think that this blog (especially if published) can help so many people that are suffering through cancer. You share your truth, fear, hope, encouragement, prayers and love and teach us all something in every post.
Please don't stop!
Chris Bergman (Amat 85)
You tell Todd I need you at your day job for a little while longer! You positively affect too many little lives and the lives of their parents at that job, so let's keep this book thing to a second job:). Actually, I have something for you that I was hoping will help you write your first book about Bill. I hope we can get together sometime this week. And by the way, I've had to teach myself (and believe it's been a struggle) to only check your blog once or twice a week so I won't be disappointed that you haven't written anything. We love dull and boring. That's what real life should be and what all of your readers have been praying that you would have a little of to bask in for awhile. I love that you and Tyler are boring right now. Amen! Love, Tamie
One word: Homepage
Dont leave us without one.
Mike & Kelly
Aloha Jackie & Tyler!
Your blog is so inspirational - I pray you don't stop writing it.
You both are AMAZING!!
Take Care and God Bless!!
:) lisa rodriguez rosile '85
p.s. "boring" is NOT a word I would ever use to describe you or your life!!
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