I greatly appreciate all the blog votes, and although I had the most votes... I still came in second. They "stopped" the voting at midnight EST, although that was a little shady since they listed the date as April 31st. They allowed more votes after voting was over, which was also confusing. Since I clearly don't need the prize offered, I will choose one and either donate it, or sell it on e-bay and donate the proceeds. I have to make it worth my while to have invested such great efforts into this contest.
Although the blog is still listed on their website and in the contest for the month of May, I am not participating. It was fun, but a little too involved the last few days. I have exceeded the number of times I can ask my Facebook friends to vote. ;)
A quick update on the two of us:
Tyler is "playing" soccer... yes I realize playing is in quotes. He kind of knows where the ball is, and then nonchalantly jogs to the area where the other kids gather around it. At the end of the game however, he bolts like lightning to run through the parent tunnel and get his snack bag. Go figure...
I am getting through the school year and eagerly awaiting summer vacation! It's tough to work full-time knowing that next year I will not. Wednesdays will be my new Fridays... just like pink is the new black. :)
We were going to move... and now we are not. It's a long, complicated story, but it has all worked out for the best. We are both happy to stay in our house. I am also thrilled to not have to physically move with my bad shoulder. I am having surgery May 27th and have been advised by a mentor to invest in HUGE shirts, elastic waist pants, and slip on shoes. I cringe at the ugliness in that combo. Top it off with not being able to blow-dry my hair and having to put make-up on with my left hand, and I think I might qualify for clown school. Good times.
Slow Start
1 week ago
How about just pajamas and slippers for a couple of weeks? That might be good! It sounds like you will need to have some baseball caps and scrunchies ready for the bad hair days though. Too funny! Let me know when I get Tyler!
LOL Jackie! When, not if, you need anything, let me know. I am totally free on Thursdays and Fridays and I'm not so bad w/ a flat iron :) I will pencil you in for all Thurs and Fri in June. R U going back to work after surgery or are U out? I hope, the later :)
A little advice from the girl who has had wrist surgery 3 times... Go to Fantastic Sams a few times a week and get your hair washed and blown out. Seriously, the best $20I ever spent! It will be impossible for you to get your hair clean on your own and it makes showering much easier if you don't have worry about trying to shampoo and condition. I will be thinking about you. Let me know if you need anything.
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