Saturday, May 15, 2010

Magic Eraser

Based on the title of this post one might think I have some random connection or life lesson that I will attempt to relate to the Magic Eraser cleaning tool. Sorry to disappoint, but it's literally about the sponge-type cleaning wonder.

I found a box of Magic Erasers (with only one missing) in the laundry room today. They are probably 3 years old. I was going to throw them away because the memory of using one came flooding back to me. I tried to clean a mark off the wall, but it was completely useless! I was EXTREMELY disappointed, and to say I was confused by the hype is an understatement. Bill had used them at work religiously and raved about their miracle tendencies. I have friends who also swore by their effectiveness, and I would just nod to avoid being in the minority.

Three years ago, my conversation with Bill went like this:

Me: I don't like those Magic Eraser things... I tried one and it didn't work!

Bill: Really? We use them all the time at work, and they get EVERYTHING clean.

Me: Well, the wall still has a mark on it. THEY DON'T WORK!

Bill: That's really odd... are you sure you did it right?

Me: How hard can it be to clean the mark off the wall with a little sponge? (Insert sarcastic/snippy tone here.)

Since I still have the same small mark on the wall, I thought I give the eraser one more shot...

It turns out that you have to WET THE ERASER in order to reap the benefits! Who knew? (Clearly not me.) I was using it bone dry. I am going to have to play the blonde card on this one...

I'll be keeping the box I discovered, and will probably purchasing more to take some to work. They really are amazing!

I think I can actually hear him laughing at me.


Anonymous said...

You are cracking me up, Jackie. I am a true fan of Magic Erasers, a bigger fan of your blog, and a forever fan of you as a woman, a mother, a writer, and a friend. I miss seeing you everyday :)

Kim Smith

Jodi said...

I love you! I truly do!