Monday, August 17, 2009

A Quick Update... Stay Tuned

I know it has been awhile, but trust me, a blog post has been brewing in my head for a few days now. Sadly, I have even edited this particular post and it hasn't even been written yet. I am just not ready to post about it, but I promise it is coming.

I have definitely survived the "funk"... until the next one. I find that if I keep our schedule relatively busy and don't allow us to sit home day in and day out, I can keep things together a little better. I know some of you are thinking/saying, "It's OK to NOT hold it together and take time to be upset and cry..." Honestly, it's easier said than done. When I have a three-year-old on my heels at all times it is not OK for me to want to curl up in the fetal position and spend the day crying. I am also very sensitive to crying in front of Tyler. I never want him to feel that he can't bring up Daddy because Mommy always ends up in tears each time his death is mentioned. I WANT him to talk about Bill (and we do everyday), so a daily break-down just isn't healthy for this part of our healing.

I promise a more detailed post is coming soon, and I will further explain some details. We are back on track, and the fog has lifted.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it...only you know what is best for you and Tyler...and as we've all are amazing!!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :)

Anonymous said...

You both are in my thoughts and prayers. Everyday that you put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward is a blessing - Tyler is a fortunate young man to have been blessed with both you and Bill -
Much love and ALOHA!!
:) lisa rodriguez rosile '85

Anonymous said...

You still have people who check your blog everyday, who pray for you everyday and who hope for peace in your heart everyday. Keep being the great mom you are to Tyler!

Anonymous said...

My gosh, I find myself time and time again saying the same are such an amazing person, but you truly are and I cannot help but say it! Thank you so much for continuing to let us all know what is going on with you and Tyler, it really helps us too to know how you are doing, even when it is not the best...we do wish you all the best and you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. love Julie and Lenny