222 pages!
My brother graciously arranged to have the blog printed and bound into a book. I included a dedication in the beginning, added pictures, and wrote a note to Tyler at the end. The book is his... for him to read when he wants to feel closer to his dad. It breaks my heart that someday he will need the book to help trigger his memories.
I have a hard time reading the past entries. In fact, I make it a habit to NOT read it for a few reasons, 1) it's not edited well, and I cringe to see mistakes and poor word choices, 2) I am thankful for the ten and a half months we had together, however, I don't want to relive the "sick" months. I fear my memory will focus on the unhealthy past, instead of the healthy.
So, the Blog Book is on its way... ALL 222 pages of it. The entries stop somewhere in mid-July, but I plan to print the others that are pertinent and include them with the book. Although I don't want to sit and read it, I am excited to see it. Thank you, Todd, it is a gift that Tyler and I will always cherish.
Sorry it was SO expensive... I'm sure that's not what you had in mind. ;)
Slow Start
1 week ago
Jackie, that's awesome!!! It will mean so much for Tyler in his later years.
What a wonderful tribute to Bill and a treasured, priceless gift for Tyler. I always wanted you to do this. Thank you, Todd, for making Jackie's wonderful blog and journey into a book!
You show incredible strength and raw emotions in your blog. I am so glad to hear you will have it forever. You have inspired many, many people. Thank you for writing!
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